Negro Kaballo, the talking horse from Erich Kästner’s fantasy novel ‘Der 35. Mai oder Konrad reitet in die Südsee’ (The 35th of May or Conrad’s Ride to the South Seas) takes children, non-children and grown-up children on a journey in Erich Kästner’s footsteps. It’s a fun voyage of discovery through the mobile interactive micromuseum® and the Erich Kästner District in Dresden’s Neustadt, where the world-famous author was born and raised.
The tour was designed both for people to follow physically in Dresden and for international Kästner fans in the digital space.
Download the free Hearonymus app
Search for "Erich Kästner" and download the guide
Simply scan the QR-Code on this mobile phone.

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Der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien